Being positive and staying strong. (Or as the Beatles once put it “All
you need is love”)
Immediately after writing blog 1 a
Twitter friend sent me this tweet “Can
you write a Blog on how to handle the emotion of it all. The gun to your head,
how do you deal with it positively.” This is a big area to cover and quite
a dark subject as it’s very close to the question “what’s it like to have Cancer and know you are not overly long for
this world but still try to carry on living?”. Well, I’ll give it a go.
The first thing to explain is the
“gun to your head” reference. I’ve used this analogy before. Imagine someone
standing at the side of you just out of eye sight pointing a gun at your head,
they are saying nothing. How long does the feeling of terror last, the
numbness, the blind Panic. If after 10 minutes the person and the gun are still
there what do you do? Regardless of the impossibility of it all you come to
realize that if you’re not going to be shot there and then (inspite of the
presence of a loaded gun) life carries on. You’re not happy about it, your new
companion is forever in your mind, you are often scared sometimes crippled with
fear, the life you had before seems distant as if it belonged to someone else,
but for now at least you carry on.
So this is me, thinking about me. It’s
when you start thinking about those around you that more problems start because
you suffer an illogical guilt for several reasons. Firstly there’s the upset
you are causing those around you. They are in pain and it’s your fault. Now
obviously it isn’t anything like as simple as that and if you don’t have Cancer
yourself you will probably be thinking “That’s just plain daft”. Well it is of
cause but it’s also very real to some people with the disease and explains a
lot of strange behaviour. People tell me of loved one who are ill and how
frustrating it is that they won’t talk about it. Well there’s no training for
having this condition (a bit of an obvious statement but bare with me) so not
only do people not know how to talk about it, they think the people around them
have suffered enough, so they simply stay quiet.
Then there is the equally illogical
guilt due to still being alive, I suffer from this quite a bit. Reading that sentence
back it probably needs a moment to sink in. I think it’s linked to something
called “survivor guilt” where people feel guilty when they survive a terrible
event and others don’t. Since I’ve been on this journey a number of people I know
have died with less aggressive Cancers than I have, often being diagnosed after
I was, and I’m just left thinking why them and not me.
So you have a gun pointed at your
head, you’re in constant emotional pain due to the upset you are creating for
those you love and you feel guilty for still being alive. Then of course you
have the actually physical medical problems and treatment side affects to deal
with on top of that. So without going into too much detail, that my dear
friends is what it can be like to have Cancer with on possibility of getting
So how on earth is it possible to
stay strong and remain positive with that lot going on? Well I can only tell
you how we have managed it and manage it we have I think. Firstly if you look
at life in general (without serious illness) it is full of light and shade,
happiness and sorrow, good and bad. So our approach is very simple; having Cancer
and being terminally ill is enough bad for an entire life time so we just
address the balance and fill our lives with good things. We’ll never really
balance those scales of course which is why my wife Sep calls the things we do feathers.
Lovely wonderful things but compared with the weight of our diagnoses they are simply
very light!
We are lucky in many ways particularly
due to being supported so well by my employer meaning we now don’t really have
any money worries and that is a big thing. But even so I think it is a state of
mind, we are simply not interested in negative things and everyone around us seems
to get, it which is nice. This now brings me nicely on to being strong, because
we simply get than from other people. I’ll explain.
I have mentioned many times the
importance of friends and family. I think this is relevant to everyone’s
journey, because I simply have no idea how I would manage this lot by myself. The
analogy is simple. Imagine my diagnosis being a sack full of weights. You have
to carry it with you everywhere but it’s so heavy you can’t move it, so you
just stay put, go nowhere, do nothing and remain the very definition of the
phrase “unhappy bunny”. Well all I’ve done is taken the weights and shared them
amongst my friends and family. Some days they are more aware of having them
than others but they all go about their lives and me, I just wonder around with
an empty sack. Friends always say “if there is anything I can do to help”, well
that’s what they do for me, make life worth living and in doing so effectively
keep me alive.
You see, many people are terminally ill
and far too many people have cancer, our journey by no stretch of the
imagination is unique and we are far luckier than may others. But what perhaps
does make our journey different is the amount of love that we have around us and
now with our extended Twitter family it seems to be worldwide, we never
expected that!
When I was near to leaving a couple
of weeks back I sent a text to my close friendship circle (still 200
people!!!!!) saying quite simply that “the team will now gather”. These are friends
who will stay particularly close during the final stage of our journey (for
however long it lasts) and then be there for Sep and the girls when I’ve gone
quiet. I’ve never spoken to specific people with regard to who is in this team
but I knew who they were and so did they, as they all came. Every person I
thought would come did, travelling from all over the country without any
thought of distance or Hospital visiting times which was a nightmare for
sister! After one particularly busy day for visiting I overheard a Nurse (outside
by room) saying to sister “he has a lot of visitors, they come from miles away,
is he famous?.” Sister thought for a second and replied “no, but some of his
visitors are!!” So if you think what that was like for the family to witness
and what it must have felt like for me it’s not difficult to see where our
strength comes from. If I’m that important to so many people how can I not
fight with every ounce of my being to stay strong. Staying alive is another
thing and mostly in the hands of others, but being strong that just comes from
all of you my friends. Thank you sincerely for being there because without you
all I probably wouldn’t be here or anywhere else for that matter.
Steve Evans. 20 October 2013.
Excellent Steve, very true statements.
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ReplyDeleteNo money/fame wanted thank you: